ONK Sidecar & Quad Masters


  • ONK Sidecar masters
  • ONK Quad masters
  • NK Sidecars
  • NK Quads
  • Cup Quads

For many years there have been Sidecarcross races at track de “Witte Ruijsheuvel”. This year Motorclub Oss is back and the location for sideacar and quad races at national level.

Riders can register by the Licence2race-app.

Entry period closes at Thursday 6th of March at 10.00h a.m.

For the supplementary regulations: click here.

Additional information

Clear and legible start numbers on the front and sides and the use of an environmental mat are mandatory. Tear-off’s are not allowed and driving in the paddock will lead to disqualification.

The secretary will both days be open from 7 am until 8.15 am. Training will start at 8.30 am.

The timetable will be available two days before the event.

Overnight stay is possible, the costs are 15 euro.



We kindly ask for all press to arrange the accreditation for this event via info@motorcluboss.nl.

Thanks in advance.